This is a difficult time for all of us, Covid 19 continues to frustrate our ability to get together and share information and experiences, but at the same time this challenge strengthens our community and our need for connection with each other. (*Note In person meetings are on hold until Health officials give us a green light to meet again)
Lakefield Historical Society collects photos, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, family trees and other donated items from our community. While we welcome donations we are not a museum and we cannot accept large furniture or other related items, but perhaps we can suggest a home for them.
Our annual membership is $20.00 per person and is due September 1st of each year.
We operate a second web page dedicated to our brave war veterans who served from Lakefield Ontario and although we haven't finished adding all of eligible veterans our list grows longer with more information each year. If you have a family member you would like to include please contact us, but note that with veterans from WW2 and later a family member must request their military files, so you can save time by doing this in advance of contacting us.
Much can be learned about Lakefield's history by reading our book, "Nelson Falls to Lakefield" which is available for purchase at Happenstance Book Store in Lakefield, or by contacting us directly.
We welcome all queries concerning our local history and the persons who lived here.